CSS Basics: Border Style Basics – Level Up Your Web Design Skills with Solid to Dashed Mastery


CSS Property Border – The Edges of a Rectangle

CSS borders are essential elements in web design, as they define the outer limit of an HTML element. Borders are the lines that enclose an HTML element in a box. The border box directly surrounds the padding box and is typically used to mark the outer boundary of the content area.

CSS border is the shorthand property for the properties:

Each of these 3 CSS properties is also a shorthand property. And they are:

1. border-width

  • border-top-width
  • border-right-width
  • border-bottom-width
  • border-left-width

2. border-style

  • border-top-style
  • border-right-style
  • border-bottom-style
  • border-left-style

3. border-color

  • border-top-color
  • border-right-color
  • border-bottom-color
  • border-left-color

CSS Property border

Description Possible Values Default Value Category
border border width in px oder em
border style
border color
framing content

The value shown in orange is the standard use of the CSS border property.

  1. The CSS border property can only be used to define the borders for all four sides in one step.

  2. If you want to specify the border properties for a single side individually, you need to use the properties according to the list shown above, e.g. border-top-color for the border on the top.

    • The thickness of the border is defined by the border-width property, e.g. in a CSS length unit such as px or em. Alternatively, the keywords thin, medium, or thick can be used. The default is medium.

    • The appearance of the border is set by the value of the border-style property.


      single line that consists of a series of dashes


      single line that consists of a series of dots


      double solid line


      3D border that appears to be carved into the page


      3D border that appears to be embedded, like a button


      3D border that appears slightly raised out, like apressed button


      3D border that appears slightly raised above


      Default border, single solid line


      no border


      hidden border

    • The color of the border is defined by the value of the border-color property. It can be specified with a color name, as a hex code or as an RGB value. By default, colors are defined with their hex code.

/* define border region */
div {
  /* outer spacing */
  margin: 1.563em;

  /* inner spacing */
  padding: 0.625em;

  /* width of the border region */
  width: 80%;

  /* height of the border region */
  height: 4em;

  /* region background */
  background: #cccccc;

/* define border classes */
.solid {
  /* single solid line */
  border-style: solid;

.ridge {
  /* 3D border with raised above effect */
  border-style: ridge;

.outset {
  /* 3D border with raised out effect */
  border-style: outset;

.inset {
  /* 3D border with embedded effect */
  border-style: inset;

.groove {
  /* 3D border with carved effect */
  border-style: groove;

.double {
  /* double solid line */
  border-style: double;

.dotted {
  /* single line of dots */
  border-style: dotted;

.dashed {
  /* single line of dashes */
  border-style: dashed;

.none {
  /* no border */
  border-style: none;
<div class="solid">border-style: solid</div>
<div class="ridge">border-style: ridge</div>
<div class="outset">border-style: outset</div>
<div class="inset">border-style: inset</div>
<div class="groove">border-style: groove</div>
<div class="double">border-style: double</div>
<div class="dotted">border-style: dotted</div>
<div class="dashed">border-style: dashed</div>
<div class="none">border-style: none</div>
border-style: solid
border-style: ridge
border-style: outset
border-style: inset
border-style: groove
border-style: double
border-style: dotted
border-style: dashed
border-style: none